Chris Rost
Medical Director
Chris grew up in Bozeman, MT. He graduated from MSU with an education degree and took a job teaching music in Polson. While teaching he began to get involved in medicine and public safety by becoming an EMT and a reserve deputy. He also volunteered with Polson Fire and Lake County Search and Rescue. This activity prompted him to change gears and pursue a full-time job in medicine.
After graduating from Rocky Mountain College in 2000 as a Physician Assistant (PA) he took a surgical job in Polson. He helped develop a bariatric surgery and weight loss program.He first-assisted in Roux En Y Gastric Bypass and Lap Band surgeries. He later took positions in spine surgery and pain management. For the past 15 years in clinic he has been doing family practice with an emphasis on wellness and weight loss.
With his 25 years of clinical practice he has experience in Bariatrics, Weight Loss, Emergency Medicine, Family Practice, General Surgery, Spine Surgery, and Pain Management. In the recent several years he has been very interested in developments around the use of peptides for weight loss, longevity, hormones, and libido.
Chris has three daughters and 2 granddaughters who grew up in Montana, with two daughters now living out of state. He has a passion for the outdoors and Glacier National Park. He has been a volunteer with the Park Service for nine years doing Technical Search and Rescue, River Patrol, Bike Patrol, and Wilderness Patrol. He has climbed 150 peaks in the park and has tackled some bigger mountains such as Rainier (6 times) and Pico de Orizaba. When he isn't in clinic you will most certainly find him mountaineering somewhere in Glacier Park.